Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures


在医疗紧急情况下,应该通知云顶集团警察局 immediately at (972) (265-5911). 打电话的人应该说明紧急情况的性质 and the location of the student needing assistance.

如果需要立即就医,请联系云顶集团的调度员 警察局会拨打911呼叫急救人员. While the paramedics are 在途中(距离校园不到两英里),调度员会派出一名UDPD警官 如有需要,协助学生进行急救. Another UDPD officer 将协助护理人员,引导他们到学生经历的位置 the medical emergency.

呼叫急救人员后,调度员将通知助理副总统 of Student Affairs.

报告医疗紧急情况的呼叫者应与需要医疗的人呆在一起 协助,直到UDPD官员和护理人员到达. 的 paramedics will assess the emergency and administer medical 治疗. 的 paramedics will determine if it 是否有必要将学生送往医院病房接受进一步治疗. In 大多数情况下,护理人员会把他们送到最近的医院,也就是欧文医院 ​​​​​Baylor Scott & White 医疗 Center (less than three miles from campus).


在美国,心脏骤停是导致死亡的主要原因 每年夺去大约35万人的生命. 95 % of people who suffer a heart attack in the workplace do not survive. But did you know that defibrillation 心脏病发作后三分钟内的存活率可达30-70%?

AED机器被装在一个大钱包大小的塑料箱子里,可以用来监控 检测一个人的心跳,判断其心律是否正常. Defibrillators 还能提供挽救生命的电击使心脏重新跳动或纠正心律失常吗 心跳. aed是为非医务人员设计的,所以心脏骤停 受害者不必等待紧急救援人员的到来来接受可能挽救生命的治疗 治疗.


拨打5911. Contact the University of Dallas Police Department. Check for breathing. 如果受害者没有呼吸,开始急救呼吸:轻轻向后倾斜头部 to open the airway; watch chest and listen for air from mouth. If not yet breathing, pinch the nose and give 2 slow, full breaths. Watch the chest rise and fall during each breath. 每5秒向受害者嘴里吐气一次,直到紧急情况发生 personnel arrive. 通过轻轻地按压受害者的侧面来检查脉搏 喉咙. 如果没有脉搏,打开AED,打开它,简单地按照口头指示, administer CPR as required. If you don't know CPR, continue with Rescue Breathing.

的 University of Dallas utilizes the ZOLL AED Plus. AEDs are permanently located 在哈格尔的云顶集团警察局,在体育馆的一楼 古普塔商学院大楼外的公共卫生间就在墙上 the Church of the Incarnation. An AED is kept in the UDPD patrol car at all times. 此外,体育部有两个AED单位被指定为 on site at all athletic events.

如果学生发现大学建筑着火或冒烟,学校应该怎么办 following procedure should be used:

Ring the building fire alarm. Shout "火" loudly to alert anyone else who may be in the building. 立即通知云顶集团警察局 报告火灾地点:建筑物、楼层、面积和烈度. 的 University 达拉斯警察局将向欧文消防局报告火灾. 的 居住生活人员将指示大楼内的所有住户立即撤离. Residents must evacuate immediately. Residents must evacuate to the designated area 并立即向住宿生活工作人员报到. No one may return to the building until an official "all clear" notice. 的 fighting of the fire is the responsibility 大学人员和欧文消防部门.

每个宿舍的工作人员都应该解释所有紧急情况和疏散 procedures to all residents. 这应该在每学期开始时完成.

Severe Storm/Tornado

在北德克萨斯州,恶劣天气随时随地都可能发生,而且经常发生在 it is least expected. 当天气危机确实发生时,云顶集团4008om通常会迅速展开, leaving little time for planning.  When the potential for these threats exists, 的 云顶集团警方将监测适当的信息来源(如.g. 的 天气频道、互联网天气网站、地方电视台、国家气象局) to ensure awareness of potential threats.  

如果发生龙卷风,欧文市将在全市拉响警笛. 然而,大学并不仅仅依靠这个系统来通知 the university community. 当确定大学附近有龙卷风时, 云顶集团警察局将执行紧急通知 系统.

在天气紧急状态下,在校人员应向校内转移 建筑的核心区域远离窗户区域,或者如果存在地下室区域 in the building where they are located. Persons should remain in the designated area 待在大楼里,直到风暴过去,警报解除 发布. 永远不要试图在你的汽车里“逃离”即将来临的风暴.

学校有紧急通知系统可以发送语音邮件,短信 在紧急情况下向学生、教职员工发送信息和电子邮件.

Log on to BannerWeb 并点击“我的个人资料”提供或更新您的手机和其他重要紧急情况 contact information.

通知系统只有在人们提供联系信息时才有用. 注册手机号码对大学官员来说尤为重要 无论教职员工身在何处,都能联系到他们吗.




Anselm Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway

Art Ceramics

Lower Level Studio 103

Art Foundation

Ceramics Studio 103

Art History

Classroom 112

Art Painting / Printmaking

Lower Level Studio

Art Sculpture

Lower Level Senior Studios

Augustine Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *1

Blakley 图书馆

Lower Level Periodicals

Braniff Graduate Building

Primary: Education Media Center

Overflow: Lower Level 卫生间

Braniff 图书馆

Primary: Lower Level Conference Room

Overflow: Lower Level 卫生间

Cardinal Farrell Hall

First floor restrooms

Catherine Hall

Primary: Laundry Rm. / Student Storage Room

Overflow: Lower Level Storage Area

Church of the Incarnation

Primary: Men's Restroom St. Joseph Room

Overflow: Sacristy

Clark Hall

First floor wing hallways away from windows

or restrooms off of main lobby

College of Business

1st Floor 卫生间

Drama Building

Student Worker work room

Facilities Building


Gorman Lecture Center

Lecture Room A and Print Lab

Gregory Hall

Primary: Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2

Overflow: Student Storage Rm.

Haggar Dock

Custodial Office away from glass entry

Haggar University Center

Primary: Print Shop

Overflow: Lower Level 卫生间

Haggerty Science Building

Lower Level East Hallway

Jerome Hall

Lower Level Basement

Lower Blakley

卫生间 by Learning Center

Madonna Hall

Primary: Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2

Overflow: Laundry Room

Maher Athletic Center

Lower Level Public Locker Rooms

O'Connell Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2


First Floor 卫生间

Student Apartments




的resa Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2


*1 All office doors need to be closed


*2 All room doors need to be closed